Therefore, tension headaches can be associated with excess stress, sleep deprivation, fatigue, and strain. They are often caused by excessive concentration on the screen, excessive reading, poor posture, gum chewing, teeth grinding or bruxism, and depression or anxiety. Now, tension headaches are caused by some sort of activity that puts tension on the neck and the head. Let’s take a look at some possible causes of the co-occurrence of eye pain and headaches Tension Headaches However, if you do experience eye pain that manifests behind the eye and is followed by a headache, then we’re talking about certain types of headaches and migraines.

So, if you experience the type of pain that showcases at the front of the eye, or around it, and is followed by a headache, we recommend you seek medical attention so that a specialist can draw a parallel between these two occurrences. Now, when we talk about possible causes of both eye pain and headaches, we have to start by saying the in these cases the eye pain appears ‘behind’ the eye, not on the actual eye. So, without further ado, let’s get started! Possible Causes of Eye Pain and Headaches The following text is strictly informational and shouldn’t substitute a professional, medical opinion. For more information, make sure to talk to your doctor. In the following paragraphs, we’ll take a look at some possible causes of both eye pain and headache, and which types of headaches manifest in eye pain. The combination of eye pain and a headache is rather unusual, and in most cases is caused by a specific type of headache.